Dane Eyerly
I grew up in Missouri in a family of 10, frugality was instilled in me at a very young age. Although I didn’t really enjoy gardening as a child I often watched as my grandmother would spend countless hours in her gardens. Thankfully, Grandma’s love of gardening passed down to me the older I became. As a student in college, I would find myself visiting her home just so I could help her garden. After finding my eternal companion and purchasing my first home I decided a vegetable garden would be a perfect addition to our yard. Ever since then I’ve been learning all I can about the wonderful joys of gardens.
Deena Eyerly
I grew up in Utah in a family of 9. I remember running and playing in the fields behind our home and learning to love the outdoors. As I got older I learned to love all foods and wanted to discover what food I could grow on my own to share with my family. Gardening has kept my family healthy and taught us so much! We are excited to share what we’ve learned with everyone we meet, even those we only get to meet virtually.
The Baby Goats
They eat everything they grow and therefore they are lovingly referred to as baby goats, although they are in fact our six children.
We love gardening with mom and dad. It teaches us all sorts of lessons and helps us know how to be self-reliant. We love to garden because we get to play in the dirt and see all the colors as our plants grow, and then we get to eat all the yummy food.